Earning A Michelin Star

Earning A Michelin Star

The Michelin Star is seen in the culinary world as the pinnacle of exquisite cuisine. Only the world’s very best chefs and restaurants are able to earn this prestigious award, one that can take decades of dedication and sacrifice to get a hold of.

Not all chefs aspire to the Michelin Star, but for those who do, it can be a long and arduous road that pushes their creativity and passion to the very limit. Here we will look at what it takes to earn the world-famous Michelin Star.

Cooking Technique

It’s vital to hone cooking technique when it comes to standing a chance to win a Michelin Star. The dishes that tend to stand out the most are those that are created using exemplary technique, which themselves can take years to master.

This doesn’t just mean how the food itself is prepared, but how the chef is able to successfully develop the unique flavours that make the dish stand out from others. Attention to detail is another aspect that a Michelin judge will look at when sitting down to a meal. There needs to be a fine care put into every dish, something to draw attention and to make the eater feel like they’re having an experience rather than just eating another plate of food.

The Best Ingredients Around

It’s possible to make good food using normal ingredients bought at the local supermarket, but this won’t be enough to earn a Michelin Star. The ingredients used for a dish that may be worth this kind of reward need to be of the highest quality available. They need to be as fresh as possible, to be free of chemicals and pesticides as much as possible, and there’s even a focus on foods that are sourced in a sustainable fashion. A Michelin Star won’t be given out to a restaurant that serves frozen salmon as opposed to fresh salmon that was brought in just that morning.

Excellent Value

The value of the meal isn’t just about how much is being spent on purchasing it but being memorable enough that it creates an experience that the diner simply won’t ever forget. It needs to have a factor that makes it stand out, one that would make the eater walk away and tell their friends about it.

This is why the value of the meal should not only be about covering the costs of the labour and the ingredients, but also how well the chef that made it was able to put their love and passion into the food to make it special. It doesn’t just end with the food, though; the customer needs to be made welcome and comfortable, that their presence is special within the restaurant.

The Consistency

It’s not enough to make one, single dish that’s truly amazing, but the rest of it isn’t up to par, similar to those that buy Bitcoin and cryptocurrency but never end up using it. Having a consistency across the menu is vital: all the dishes need to be of an extremely high quality, and they all need to be something unique. Consistency can make all the difference when it comes to earning a Michelin Star or not.